What’s in your fridge?

Eating whole and less processed foods is the key to making sure our bodies are receiving all of the micronutrients that we need. Most of the time, processed foods and snacks are missing the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our bodies to perform properly. The best source of these micronutrients is to eat real whole foods that you can recognize!

Here is a little activity from my Precision Nutrition course that you can try in your kitchen:

  • Go to your pantry, fridge and/or freezer and review your inventory of foods.

  • For each food ask yourself the following?

    • Can I recognize what this food used to be?

    • How is it packaged?

    • Does it have an ingredient label? If so, what’s on the label and do I know what these are?

    • How many steps did this food take to get to me?

  • There are no “perfect” answers, just like there is no “best diet”.

The goal with this activity is to be more mindful of what we are consuming and to think of the quality of these items. Recognizing how or why this food might be more or less of a whole food.



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