Lower Body Burn
This workout pairs a weighted strength move with a body weight power move. Repeat the two exercises in each superset back to back with no rest in between. Make sure to give yourself at least 30-45 seconds of rest in between rounds! Don’t skip out on the cardio burn at the end, that’s the best part :)
Superset 1: complete 3 rounds (equipment: dumbbell for split squat)
split squats x 8 each leg
alternating jump lunges x 16 total
Superset 2: complete 3 rounds (equipment: dumbbells for squats)
squats x 10
jump squats x 10
Superset 3: complete 3 rounds (equipment: dumbbells for reverse lunge)
reverse lunge x 10 left leg
lunge jack x 10 left leg
reverse lunge x 10 right leg
lunge jack x 10 right leg
Superset 4: complete 3 rounds (equipment: dumbbell for pulse squats)
pulse squats x 20
frogger x 10
stairs x 15 minutes: sprint up the stairs, walk/recover down
30 squat jacks
20 pop squats
10 burpees
5 pop jacks
Workout Notes:
- Dumbbell alternatives: if you do not have dumbbells at home you can use cans, exercise bands, water jugs, bags of rice/beans, laundry detergent containers, etc.. get creative!!